
A little about how we got started

We believe that every student can achieve here at Dyslexia Education West in our supportive environment. Our programs are designed to engage students drawing on their strengths and interests to build up their confidence and encourage them to take on the learning challenges we provide.

We use multi sensory, cumulative, differentiated learning activities to help the students acquire the skills and knowledge they need to improve their literacy and numeracy.

How did we get started?

Originally I started out as a teacher after studying my Bachelor of Primary Education and taught for several years on the South Coast and in Western Sydney. This is where I then met Terri Mackenzie of Better Basics who then introduced me to Becky Bailey of Dyslexia NSW.

I had become frustrated at seeing the gaps in the way we teach especially literacy and the ways kids with learning difficulties weren't having their needs met. Something had to change and for me that meant leaving the teaching system and striking out on my own.

I went on to train with Terri Mackenzie and then Becky Bailey to learning more about how the English language works (there are more tricks and tips than you think!) and how best to teach students with Dyslexia these skills, drawing from my experience as a teacher working with students from many different grades and circumstances (including a short stint in Early Intervention).

Since opening in 2017 our services have expanded to not only offering lessons here on the premises but home visits, school visits, working with schools and teachers to help their students best achieve and access the curriculum, and to now looking at providing other therapies (watch this space!).

We offer both literacy and numeracy lessons plus we can teach students of any age and skill level.

Interested? Need more information?